
Signature Events

Gather your family, friends, co-workers or assemble your Blue Crew and join us for an exciting and fun in-person event.

Making stops in Burnaby B.C., Toronto ON, and Bedford N.S., this fall, hundreds of Lacers will come together for a 5 km walk, entertainment, impact and a celebration in which we will light up the night sky blue in support of the almost 11.9 Canadians living by diabetes or prediabetes.

Community Events

Join one of our Community Events for the same impactful agenda that our Signature events offer. Gather with family, friends or colleagues for a 5 km walk, followed by lighting the night sky blue… with giant glowsticks and flashlights.

Stay tuned for more.

Interested in learning more about hosting a community event, click here

Join our coast-to-coast-to-coast virtual relay!

Lace Up and walk your 5km in your own community on November 14th! Gather your frieds and family and light up a blue community landmark in recognition of World Diabetes Day!

Register now