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"Hartley, the daughter of one of our partners exemplifies resilience. Despite being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at two years old, she lives each day to the fullest with unwavering enthusiasm. HK Henderson stands with Hartley in her advocacy for Diabetes Canada and is proud to support Pump Couture and helping send kids just like her to D-Camps"

HK Henderson, Presenting Sponsor Pump Couture Regina

Misconceptions about diabetes are widespread, leading to negative perceptions of those living with the condition. That’s something that we are determined to change. Aligning your brand with Pump Couture will show your support to the 4 million people in Canada diagnosed with diabetes, many of which have felt that they have been treated differently because of their diabetes.

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2024 Pump Cputure earned media reach: 86 total media mentions, 58 mil media impressions, $533,000 adverstising value equivalency
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