Megan was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in 2005, 20 years ago. Just two days after her diagnosis, her mom Lisa was also diagnosed with diabetes. This simultaneous diagnosis completely changed their family's life, but Megan is grateful to have her mom by her side. Lisa always encouraged Megan to be independent with her diabetes management, even when their approaches differed.
In her spare time, Megan loves to rest and recharge, finding comfort in snuggling up with a good book and a warm drink. Managing diabetes takes a toll on her mental health and consumes both energy and time that she doesn't always feel she has.
Megan is proud to be a Girl Guide leader and believes that diabetes is not something to be ashamed of. "Diabetes is tough; just getting through the day is something to be proud of some days," she says. Using a pump has given her much freedom in what she eats and how she exercises. She remembers the restrictive meal plans from her childhood and appreciates the flexibility she has now.
D-Camps have had a significant impact on Megan's life. She attended for the first time in 2005 and later worked for D-Camps. "It is so important to show kids that they are not alone and to give them a chance to meet others like them and not feel different because of diabetes," she says. D-Camps changed her life and made her a more confident person with type 1.
Megan is excited to give back to the community and help support kids attending diabetes camp. She recently traveled alone to another continent for the first time and had an amazing and rewarding trip. It reminded her that she can do hard things even with diabetes.
Please show your support by helping Megan reach her fundraising goal.
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