Bent Into Shape

$1,255.00 / $2,000.00
Pace Setter

$75 Raised

Helping Hand

$150 Raised

Cure Crusader

$250 Raised

Star Fundraiser

$500 Raised


$1000 Raised

Legacy Leaver

$2500 Raised

Mission Accomplished

Completed fundraising goal

Thank you to our supporters!


Always running for diabetes
Always running for diabetes

Bent Into Shape

We are a Bent family team - siblings, cousins and anyone related to us is welcome to join. Everyone is supporting me and other family member who have diabetes. I've been living with type 1 diabetes for over 48 years and have benefitted from all of the medical advances since I was diagnosed in 1975.  I know first hand that your contributions make a difference.  Thanks!

Every 3 minutes, a person in Canada is diagnosed with diabetes. Diabetes is not slowing down.

Every dollar raised helps fund education, support services, advocacy and diabetes research that could lead to the next big medical breakthrough.

Please show support by helping us reach our team goal and move alongside us.

Thank you for cheering us on!

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