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Want to be a VIP?

At Lace Up to End Diabetes, VIP stands for Very Important Philanthropist. Our Lace Up VIP Fundraisers are a dedicated and exclusive group who commit to raising $1,000 for Diabetes Canada.

Support from your entourage

Raising $1,000 is no small feat, but incredible things can happen when people help each other. That’s why our Lace Up VIPs receive extra support from us, additional resources, custom recognition and special experiences. Every distance and dollar make a difference, and we’ll be with you every step of the way!

Here’s how:

  • Sharing fresh and fun ideas to boost your fundraising
  • Offering coaching calls to answer your questions and provide support
  • Initiating social media opportunities for you to join
Thank you to our Lace Up to End Diabetes Sponsors!

How will you be Lacing Up?

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