Fundraising Ideas, Tips & Tricks!
- Use our online tools
When you register to fundraise for the Canadian Diabetes Association (CDA), you are given access to a participant centre. You can use the tools found there to help support your fundraising efforts. Start by updating your personal page (LINK TO THE WORDS UPDATING YOUR PERSONAL PAGE) with the story of why you’re fundraising. Try to make this personal and compelling. You can use the provided email templates and update them to reflect your story. We kindly ask that you do not change any facts or statistics.
Did you know that the average online gift is $40 to $50 as opposed to $20 - $25 by cash or cheque? Also, your donors will receive their receipts right away! - Just ask!
Nike’s slogan is, “Just Do It!”, and our fundraising slogan is, “Just Ask!” Ask everyone you know. Raising money to support people living with diabetes is a very worthwhile undertaking and one that should give you a great deal of pride. The generosity of your family, friends and acquaintances will amaze you. There is an old fundraising axiom that states, “people give to people.” People will give because you ask because they believe in you, want to support you in achieving your personal challenge and trust you! - Believe in yourself
Share your story and your knowledge about diabetes and the work of the CDA. If you need help with this, please visit our Diabetes Fact Sheet page. - Keep it simple
Keep fundraising events as simple as possible. See our list on the Fundraising Ideas page. - Thank your donors
It is important to express your gratitude in a heartfelt and timely fashion. Donors will appreciate the importance of their support and will be more likely to donate a second time. Share your personal success following the event.
To download these ideas, click here.